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Fig. 4 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 4

From: Transcriptome-wide mapping of milk somatic cells upon subclinical mastitis infection in dairy cattle

Fig. 4

Integration of transcriptomic and phenomic information using the DIABLO approach. a Correlation plot among the different sets of categories; b–d The loading plots of flow cytometry immune cells (b) udder health traits (c) and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (d). Pink and light blue bars represent healthy animals and cows with subclinical intramammary infection (sIMI), respectively. The negative values of the loading weights (light blue bars) signify that the corresponding variables had higher expression/value in infected animals. The positive values (pink bars) mean that related variables had higher expression/values in healthy animals. e Circos plot showing the correlation between candidate variables. MQ: milk quality, IS: immune system, UH: udder health

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