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Fig. 5 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 5

From: The synbiotic mixture of lactulose and Bacillus coagulans protects intestinal barrier dysfunction and apoptosis in weaned piglets challenged with lipopolysaccharide

Fig. 5

Effects of synbiotic mixture of lactulose and Bacillus coagulans on relative mRNA gene (A and B) and protein (C) expression levels related to tight junction in jejunum (A), and ileum (C) of weaned piglets challenged with LPS. Each column represents the mean values (n = 6), with their standard error of mean (SEM) represented by vertical bars. Letters above the bars not sharing the same lower (P < 0.05) or upper (P < 0.01) case superscript are significantly different. ZO-1 = zonula occluden 1, ZO-2 = zonula cooluden 2, OCLN = occludin, CLDN-2 = claudin 2, CLDN-3 = claudin 3, CLDN-4 = claudin 4, CLDN-5 = claudin 5. CON-saline (negative control), basal diet; LPS-LPS (positive control), basal diet; CTC-LPS, basal diet + CTC (75 mg/kg); and SYN-LPS, basal diet + synbiotic mixture of lactulose and Bacillus coagulans

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