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Table 1 P values from TOST and RTOST analyses of the solid, liquid, and combined OTU tables. A random day was taken from the OTU table for each period of lactation for each cow and compared against the mean and the median of the OTU count for that period of the same cow

From: The ruminal bacterial community in lactating dairy cows has limited variation on a day-to-day basis

Sample type

Random vs Mean

Random vs Median

TOST P values


<  0.0001

<  0.0001


<  0.0001

<  0.0001


<  0.0001

<  0.0001

RTOST P values


<  0.0001

<  0.0001


<  0.0001

<  0.0001


<  0.0001

<  0.0001