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Fig. 3 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 3

From: Sequential disruption of ALV host receptor genes reveals no sharing of receptors between ALV subgroups A, B, and J

Fig. 3

Infection of tva-modified DF-1 clones with avian leukosis virus subgroup A, followed by flow cytometry analysis. a Expression of GFP by virus-infected DF-1 clones. Eight DF-1 clones were examined under a fluorescence microscope. Scale bar = 100 μm. b, c Flow cytometry analysis of virus-infected DF-1 clones. Gray peaks indicate the population of wild-type (WT) cells not infected with ALV subgroup A (negative control) and green peaks indicate the population of ALV subgroup A-infected DF-1 clones. The numbers on the histograms represent the mean percentage of cells within that population of triplicate replications. WT DF-1 fibroblasts were used as the control (positive control). c Data represent the mean ± SEM of triplicate replications. Different letters (a, b) indicate significant differences (P < 0.05). d Multiple-sequence alignment of the four chicken Tva receptor isoforms with the quail Tva receptor. Conserved residues are indicated by the asterisks (identical residues) and dots (similar residues) below the aligned sequences. The quadrangle denotes the viral receptor domain of quail Tva, and the numbers on LDLR class A domain denote the order of quail Tva amino acid sequences. Sequence alignment analysis was conducted using the UniProt consortium. e Comparative analysis of deduced amino acids of tva-modified DF-1 clones. Quail Tva and chicken Tva amino acid are used as references. Tva amino acids of the in-frame tva-modified DF-1 clones are presented. TVA#1–2 clone has mutations on the 64th and the 65th positions of Tva amino acid, TVA#1–5 clone has mutation on 65th position of Tva amino acid and TVA#1–7 clone has large deletions on from the 55th to 68th positions of Tva amino acid sequences. Different amino acids are highlighted. The numbers denote the order of quail Tva amino acid sequences

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