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Table 3 Immunomodulatory effects of resistant starch (RS) in animal studiesa

From: Resistant starch: Implications of dietary inclusion on gut health and growth in pigs: a review

Test animal

Type of RS

Immune effects


Grower pigs

High amylose corn and RPS (RS 11%)

Increased TNF-α, MCP2, MUC2


Grower pigs

Retrograded tapioca starch (RS 34%)

Increased PPARγ

Decreased NFKB, TLR4, BCL6, ICOS, and CR2


Grower pigs

RPS (RS > 13%)

Increased IL-1β, F7, PolIII, TLR6

Decreased CD4, ITGB3, CTSB, C1S, SERPING1, TLR7


Grower pigs

RPS (RS 15.3%)

Increased MUC4, MUC5AC, and MUC12


Finishing pigs

High amylose corn starch (68.5% amylose)

Increased IL-6, IL-12, IL-1β, and TNF-α in pigs with Prevotella-rich enterotype


Pregnant sows

Pea starch (Gestation RS 5.4%; Lactation RS 8.6%)

Increased zonula occludens-1 in piglets


Pregnant sows

RPS (RS 5 %)

Increased MUC2, IL6, DEF1B, cecal immunoglobulin A, and regulatory T cells



RPS (RS 3.8%, 7.4% and 19.5%)

Increased claudin-1, zonula occludens-1, MUC2, reduced plasma TNF-α, IL-1β and endotoxin (RS 7.4%)


  1. aBCL6 B-cell lymphoma 6, CD4 Cluster of differentiation 4, CR2 Complement receptor type 2, CTSB Cathepsin B, C1S Complement component 1S, DEF1B Defensin beta 1, ICOS Inducible T cell co-stimulator, IL Interleukin, ITGB3 Integrin subunit beta 3, MCP2 Monocyte chemoattractant protein 2, MUC Mucin, NFKB Nuclear factor kappa B, PolIII RNA polymerase III, PPARγ Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, RPS Raw potato starch, SERPING1 Serpin Family G Member 1, TLR Toll like receptor, TNF-α Tumor necrosis factor alpha