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Table 2 Microbial effects of resistant starch (RS) in pig studies

From: Resistant starch: Implications of dietary inclusion on gut health and growth in pigs: a review

Test animalsa

Types of RS

Microbial effectsb


Nursery pigs

RPS (RS 14%)

Increased colonic lactobacilli and Bacteroides


Nursery pigs

Purified corn starch (63% amylose)

Increased cecal and colonic Bifidobacterium

Decreased Clostridium clusters IV and XIVa


Nursery pigs

High amylose corn starch (85% amylose)

Increased proximal colonic Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria


Growing pigs

RS2 in corn, potato, barley, pea, tapioca

Increased fecal lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (meta-analysis)


Growing pigs

High amylose corn and RPS (RS 11%)

No significant changes in microbial composition


Growing pigs

Retrograded tapioca starch (RS 34%)

Increased colonic Ruminococcus bromii, and bacterial group Clostridium cluster IV, IX, XV, XVI, and XVII

Decreased colonic Gammaproteobacteria


Growing pigs

Retrograded tapioca starch (RS 33%)

Increased Lachnospiraceae- and Ruminococcus-affiliated phylotypes


Cannulated growing pigs

Purified corn starch (63% amylose)

Increased fecal Bifidobacterium


Growing-finishing pigs

Purified RPS (RS 13 to 15%)

Increased Coprococcus, Ruminococcus, and Turicibacter

Decreased Sarcina and Clostridium


Gestating and lactating sows

Pea starch (RS 5 to 9%)

Increased Bifidobacterium and ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes


Pregnant sows

RPS (RS 5%)

Increased fecal Clostridia


  1. aBW of pigs at the start of the study: nursery pigs, 6 to 27 kg; growing pigs, 30 to 63 kg; finishing pigs, 70 kg and above.
  2. bMicrobial composition represented by relative abundance.