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Table 3 Application of phenolic compounds with major physiological responses in poultry

From: Phenolic compounds as natural feed additives in poultry and swine diets: a review

Phenolic compounds

Study design

Main findings




Type: Ross 308-male

dose: 0, 20, 40, 60 g/kg

source: grape pomace (Vitis vinifera)

form: powder

duration: 0-24 days

no effects on FI, ADG, and FCR

higher thigh and drumstick weight

lower abdominal fat weight

lower TG, TC, LDL, AST, MDA in plasma

higher SOD, GSH-Px in plasma

higher antibody response in plasma


 Hydrolysable tannic acid

Type: Arbor Acre male

form: powder

dose: 1000 mg/kg

source: commercial (chestnut wood extract-75% tannin)

duration: 0-42 days

higher ADG, final body weight and improve FCR

higher CP retention

pH at 24 h was higher in breast muscle

higher T-AOC, GSH-Px, SOD in serum, breast and thigh muscle

lower serum TC, LDL-C and urea N


 Essential oil

Type: Ross 308

dose: 0.4 mL/L

source: dry herb (lavender flowers)

form: liquid

duration: 0-42 days

higher ADG and final body weight

improved FCR

no effects on TC, TG, glucose, and uric acid concentration in serum

lower Escherichia coli and coliform in ileum

higher probiotic bacteria in ileum


 Polyphenol (resveratrol)

Type: Yellow feather broilers

dose: 200, 350 and 500 mg/kg

source: dry herb (Polygonum cuspidatum)

form: powder

duration: 28-42 days

higher ADG

higher T-SOD, CAT, GSH in serum

lower corticosterone, adrenocorticotropic hormone

lower TC, TG, uric acid, AST, ALT and MDA in serum


 Polyphenols (resveratrol)

Type: Arbor Acres male broilers

dose: 300 and 600 mg/kg

source: commercial

form: powder

duration: 0-42 days

higher body weight gain

improve FCR

lower ALT, and AST in serum

higher IgG, IgM, SOD in serum

lower E. coli in cecum

higher ratio of villus height to crypt depth of duodenum


 Essential oil (cinnamaldehyde)

Type: Vencobb-400 broilers

dose: 0.3 g/kg

source: cinnamon bark oil

form: extract

duration: 0-42 days

higher villi height of duodenum, jejunum and ileum

lower number of Escherichia coli in pre-caecal contents

higher antibody titers against NDV

lower TC in serum

higher SOD in serum

no effects on TP, glucose and TG in serum



Type: Cobb male broilers

dose: 5, 7.5 and 10 g/kg

source: grape pomace (Vitis vinifera)

form: powder

duration: 3-28 days

no effects on FI, ADG, and FCR

no effects on DM, CP, EE, and GE retention

no effects on inner organs weight

decreased TC in serum

higher IgG in serum

decreased thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values of breast meat

lower redness value of meat during storage


 Polyphenols (resveratrol)

Type: Cobb male broilers

dose: 0 and 400 mg/kg

source: commercial

form: powder

duration: 0-21 days

higher T-AOC, CAT and lower MDA in breast muscle

lower lightness value, and drip loss of meat

higher redness value and pH-24h of meat


 Condensed tannins

Type: Ross 308

dose: 125, 250, 500, 1000

and 2000 ppm

source: grape seed extract (total polyphenol > 40%)

form: powder

duration: 0-42 days

no effects on growth performance and mortality

lower TC and LDL-C in serum

higher antibody titer against NDV

decrease MDA content in muscle tissue


 Polyphenols (proanthocyanidins)

Type: Cobb-500

dose: 7.5, 15 and 30 mg/kg

source: commercial (grape proanthocyanidins)

form: powder

duration: 0-42 days

no effects on FI, ADG, and FCR

improved jejunum morphology

higher T-SOD, ALT, ALP, and CRE concentration in serum

lower MDA value in serum


 Polyphenols (flavonoids, catechins, and epicatechins)

Type: Hubbard broilers

dose: 25, 50 and 75 ppm in replace of vitamin E

form: powder

source: grape seed extract

duration: 0-35 days

higher total phenolic contents in breast and leg muscles

higher NDV and IBDV antibody titers

lower thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in breast and leg muscles



Type: Cobb male broilers

dose: 0, 5% and 10%

source: commercial (grape pomace)

form: powder

duration: 0-21 days

no effects ADG, FI and FCR

higher oxidative stability and PUFA content in thigh muscle

lower SFA content in thigh muscle


 Thyme oil

Type: Ross 308 broilers

dose: 0.5 g/kg

source: commercial (T. vulgaris)

form: powder

duration: 0-35 days

lower MDA in duodenal mucosa and kidney

higher IgA in duodenal mucosa

improve intestinal barrier integrity


 Flavonoids (genistein and hesperidin)

Type: Arbor Acre broilers

dose: 5 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg and mixture (1:4)

source: commercial

form: powder

duration: 1-42 days

higher T-AOC, SOD in serum

lower MDA content in serum

lower TC, LDL-C, TG in serum and breast muscle

improved PUFA, and ration of n-6/n-3 fatty acid


 Essential oil

Type: Arbor Acres

dose: 120 ppm

source: oregano, anis and citrus peel tree

form: extract

duration: 0-42 days

lower serum cholesterol

lower ammonia concentration in ileum

higher total polyphenolic compounds and total flavonoids in serum


 Essential oil (thymol and cinnamaldehyd)

Type: Ross broilers

dose: 0.1 g/kg (15 g/t thymol and 5 g/t cinnamaldehyde)

source: commercial blend oil

form: powder

duration: 0-42 days

higher ADG

higher number of Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli in cecum

higher proportion of caecal butyrate

decreased proportion of caecal caecal acetic acid and propionic acid


 Tannic acid

Type: Ross 308

dose: 20 g/kg

source: commercial product

form: powder

duration: 17-27 days

lower body weight and FCR

lower lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in serum

higher relative weight of intestine


Laying hens

 Essential oil (peppermint)

Type: Bovans Brown laying hens

dose: 0, 74, 148, 222, and 296 mg/kg

source: dry leaf extract (Mentha piperita)

form: liquid

duration: 32-44 weeks

higher FI, egg production, egg weight, egg mass, eggshell thickness, and haugh unit

higher CP, EE and P digestibility

higher TP in serum

lower serum cholesterol


 Essential oil

Type: Hy-line Brown layer dose: 0, 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg

source: star anise (Illicium verum)

form: liquid

duration: 29-31weeks

higher CP, OM digestibility

higher metabolic efficiency of lysine, methionine, arginine, and threonine

no effects on DM, EE and GE retention


 Thymol and carvacrol

Type: Bovans-White

dose: 1000 mg/kg each

source: Thymbra spicata and Rosemarinus officinalis extract

form: dry leaf powder

duration: 48-56 weeks

lower TC and TG in serum

lower egg production and egg weight

no effects on FCR, egg shell thickness, yolk color and haugh unit



Type: Yueqinhuang laying hens

dose: 0, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.2 g/kg

source: eucalyptus leaves

form: extract powder

duration: 35-44 weeks

higher egg production, egg mass, egg shell thickness

lower MDA and cholesterol in egg yolk

higher GSH-Px, T-SOD, T-AOC in serum

higher pH at 45 min with higher redness value of meat

lower drip loss of meat



Type: Hy-line Brown

dose: 200 mg/kg

source: commercial (tea polyphenol and tea catechins)

form: powder

duration: 65-74 weeks

higher egg production

improved FCR

higher albumen height with haugh unit

higher protein sulfhydryl content of the albumen

lower protein carbonyl content and protein surface hydrophobicity of albumen


 Essential oil

Type: Lohmann White

form: powder

source: commercial

dose: 0, 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg

duration: 54-65 weeks

no effects on egg production, egg weight, egg quality, FI and FCR

higher CP digestibility

no effects on energy utilization

no effects on SFA, MUFA and PUFA composition in egg yolk


 Essential oil

Type: Hy-line layer

form: fine granulates powder

source: oregano dry herbs

dose: 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg

duration: 30-37 weeks

no effects on egg shell weight, yolk index and haugh unit

lower crypt depth and higher villus height with villus height to crypt depth ratio of duodenum

higher gene expression on glucose transporter 2, peptide transporter 1, sodium-glucose cotransporter 1 in duodenum and jejunum


 Essential oil mixture

Type: Hy-line White

dose: 0, 100 and 200 mg/kg

source: Thymus vulgaris, Mentha piperita, Rosmarinus officinalis and Anethum graveolens

form: powder

duration: 40-51 weeks

lower TC, TG, AST, ALT, in serum

lower MDA in serum and liver sample

higher eggshell hardness and thickness


 Essential oil (peppermint/thyme)

Type: Lohmann LSL-lite

dose: 0 and 1000 mg/kg each

source: dry herb extracts

form: powder

duration: 40-48 weeks

higher egg production, egg mass

lower FCR

higher egg shell thickness, haugh unit

lower serum cholesterol


 Thyme and fennel

Type: Hy-Line White

dose: 0 and 40 mg/kg each

source: dry herbs (Thymus vulgaris and Foeniculum vulgare)

form: alcoholic extracts

duration: 26-38 weeks

higher egg weight and egg mass

higher egg yolk color

lower egg yolk cholesterol

improve egg yolk omega-3 fatty acid


 Essential oil

Type: White leghorn (Lohman)

dose: 24 mg/kg

source: oregano dry herbs

form: powder

duration: 82-106 weeks

higher egg production with lower FCR in forced molted hens

higher SOD value and lower MDA value in liver sample



Type: Hi-sex Brown

source: Thymus vulgaris dry herb

form: powder

dose: 3, 6 and 9 g/kg

duration: 36-52 weeks

no effects on FI, ADG and FCR

higher egg weight

higher SOD, GSH-PX and lower MDA in serum

higher IgG in serum

lower LDL-C in serum


 Essential oil

Type: Lohmann LSL-lite laying hens

dose: 40 mg/kg

source: cinnamon bark

form: powder

duration: 42-50 weeks

higher egg production, egg weight and egg mass

no effects on FI and body weight

no effects on TC,TG, uric acid and albumin content in serum


 Fennel (anethole, fenchone and estragole)

Type: White leghorn

dose: 0, 10 and 20 g/kg

source: fennel fruits (Foeniculum vulgare)

form: dry fruit powder

duration: 42-46 weeks

lower serum MDA

lower TC and TG in egg yolk



Type: Hy-line White (Leghorn)

dose: 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 g/kg

source: Echinacea purpurea

form: dry leaf extract powder

duration: 43-53 weeks

higher egg production and egg mass

lower TC, TG, in serum

lower cholesterol in egg yolk

higher HDL in serum


 Peppermint/ menthol/ menthone/ isomenthone/ menthyl acetate/ cineol

Type: Hy-line Brown

dose: 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/kg

source: dry herb (Mentha piperita)

form: leaves powder

duration: 64-76 weeks

higher FI, egg production, egg weight, egg mass, eggshell thickness, haugh unit

lower FCR

lower serum cholesterol

higher TP in serum


 Essential oil mixture (carvacrol, thymol, 1:8-cineole, p-cymene and limonene)

Type: ATAK-S laying hens

dose: 0, 3 and 6 mg/kg

source: commercial

form: powder

duration: 52-68 weeks

no effects on FI, egg production, egg weight and FCR

no effects on glucose, TC and TG in serum

no effects on antibody titers against NDV, IB and IBDV



Type: Lohmann LSL-white

dose: 0, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%

source: dry herbs (Thymus vulgaris)

form: powder

duration: 24-36 weeks

higher egg production with lower FCR

decrease concentration of E. coli in feces


Other birds

 Polyphenol (resveratrol)

Type: quail

dose: 0, 200 and 400 mg/kg

source: dry herbs (Polygonum cuspidatum)

form: powder

duration: 4-16 weeks

no effects on FI, egg production

no effects on vitamin A concentration in serum and egg yolk

higher vitamin E in serum

lower MDA in serum and egg yolk



Type: quail (female)

dose: 2 g/kg (80 mg/bird per day)

source: commercial

form: powder

duration:100-130 days

no effects on corticosterone concentrations in plasma

higher albumen, glucose, globulins, TP in plasma

higher inflammatory responses

higher heterophil to lymphocyte ratio in blood


 Essential oil

Type: quail breeder

dose: 250 mg/kg

source: dry herbs (Trachyspermum ammi and Anethum graveolens)

form: powder

duration: 8-18 weeks

no effects on egg production

improved FCR

no effects on TG, glucose and HDL in serum

lower TC in serum

higher number of Lactobacillius in cecum

no effects on E. coli number in cecum


 Phenolic compounds (peppermint)

Type: quail

dose: 10, 20, 30 and 40 g/kg

source: dry herbs (Mentha piperita)

form: powder

duration: 7-35 days

no effects of FI and ADG

higher length of small intestine, villus height, villus width, crypt depth, and villus area

higher lactic acid bacteria in ileum

lower Escherichia coli in ileum

no effects of inner organs weight


 Polyphenols (saponins, flavonoids)

Type: Japanese quail

dose: 0, 1%, 3% and 5%

source: dry herbs (Astragalus membranaceus)

form: powder

duration: 0-35 days

higher FI, and weight gain

higher weight of thymus gland and bursa of fabricius

higher IgA, C3, C4 in serum

higher T-AOC, GSH-Px, CAT in serum

higher Lactobacillius and bifidobacterium in intestine

lower Escherichia number in intestine

no effects on TP, TC, TG, AST, and ALT in serum



Type: quail

dose: 0, 2, 4 and 6.5 g/kg

source: commercial

form: powder

duration: 85-128 days

lower SFA in egg yolk

higher PUFA in egg yolk

no effects on body weight gain, FI, egg production, and egg weight


 Polyphenols (anthocyanidins, catechins)

Type: duckling (Pekin- female)

dose: 0, 0.1% and 0.2%

source: grape seed extract

form: powder

duration: 0-6 weeks

higher ADG, and final body weight with improved FCR

higher SOD, GSH-Px, T-AOC, CAT, IgG, IL-2 and lower MDA in serum

lower abdominal fat

lower ileal Escherichia coli but higher ileal Lactobacilli


 Essential oil (oregano oil)

Type: duckling (Cherry valley)

dose: 150 and 300 mg/kg

source: commercial-oregano (5% thymol, 65% carvacrol and 30% carrier)

form: powder

duration:11-42 days

no effects on final body weight, ADG, FI, and FCR

lower number of coliform bacterial in cecum

no effects on TC, TG, AST, ALT, glucose, and TP in serum


 Essential oil (oregano oil)

Type: duckling (Cherry valley)

dose: 100 mg/kg

source: commercial (oregano oil)

form: powder

duration:1-35 days

no effects on ADG, FCR, DM, CP, EE, Ash and GE digestibility

higher villus height to crypt depth ratio in jejunum

higher SOD in serum and T-AOC in jejunum mucosa

lower MDA in serum and liver tissue

decreased mRNA expression of ZO-3 and sIgA



Type: turkey poults

dose: 30 mg/kg

source: commercial extract

form: powder

duration:180-236 days

improved FCR

no effects on ADG, lactic acid bacteria and coliform count in crop, ileum and cecum

lower MDA level in liver, thigh and breast muscle

higher GSH-Px, GST activities in liver, thigh and breast muscle


 Mixed essential oil

Type: turkey

dose: 1 mL/L

source: commercial extract

form: liquid

duration:175-178 days

higher percent of CD4+ T lymphocytes in the thymus and the spleen

higher percent of CD8+ T lymphocytes in the cecal tonsils and the blood

higher percent of CD4+ CD8+ T lymphocytes in the thymus and ileal mucosa


 Mixed essential oil

Type: turkey

dose: 0.3 g/kg

source: commercial

form: powder

duration: 0-140 days

no effects on ADG, FCR and carcass weight

lower pH of crop content

higher α-glucosidase in the ileal digesta

no effects on SCFA production in the caeca
