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Fig. 6 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 6

From: Hepatic metabolomics and transcriptomics to study susceptibility to ketosis in response to prepartal nutritional management

Fig. 6

The top 20 most impacted metabolic Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Pathways ranked by overall impact values in liver of cows overfed energy prepartum that developed ketosis within 7 days postpartum (KET) or remained healthy (OVE). The impact and flux columns are shown on the right hand side. The impact values are represented by transparent bars ranging from 0 to 50. The flux values are represented by grey colored bars ranging from −50 to 0 (− flux) and black colored bars ranging from 0 to + 50 (+ flux) based on the direction of the impact. Both groups of cows were fed a diet containing 1.54 Mcal/kg of dry matter and 15.0% crude protein from − 21 days prepartum to calving, and a common lactation diet containing 1.75 Mcal/kg of dry matter and 17.5% crude protein

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