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Table 3 The interval analysis of circRNA expression (FPKM)

From: Analyses of circRNA profiling during the development from pre-receptive to receptive phases in the goat endometrium







Lowly expressed circRNAsa

0–0.1 FI

20 (0.25%)

58 (0.48%)

18 (0.26%)

35 (0.38%)

0.1–0.3 FI

84 (1.05%)

147 (1.21%)

51 (0.73%)

89 (0.97%)

Medium expressed circRNAsb

0.3–3.57 FI

2,523 (31.66%)

4,506 (37.20%)

3,284 (47.05%)

3,116 (33.91%)

3.57–15 FI

3,861 (48.46%)

5,663 (46.75%)

2,995 (42.91%)

4,504 (49.02%)

Highly expressed circRNAsc

15–60 FI

1,314 (16.49%)

1,523 (12.57%)

563 (8.07%)

1,288 (14.02%)

> 60 FI

166 (2.08%)

217 (1.79%)

69 (0.99%)

156 (1.70%)

  1. FPKM value (Fragment Per Kilobase of exon per Million fragments mapped) were categorized into six groups in this study. FI FPKM interval. a circRNAs expressional level < 0.3 RPKM; b circRNAs expressional level ranging from 0.3 to 15 RPKM. c circRNAs expressional level > 15 RPKM