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Fig. 3 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 3

From: Effect of diets supplemented with linseed alone or combined with vitamin E and selenium or with plant extracts, on Longissimus thoracis transcriptome in growing-finishing Italian Large White pigs

Fig. 3

Functional analysis of DEGs found in the D3-D1 comparison obtained using Cytoscape. Significant terms are graphically summarized using REVIGO or manually according to the REACTOME database. The figure shows the hub DEGs and the interactions with their related pathways and BPs. Legend: squares = pathways; circles = biological processes (BPs); shape size = according to the P-value of the term in its own group; red colour = upregulated (cluster #1); green colour = downregulated (cluster #2); fill colour transparency = according to the percentage of genes belonging to the cluster; font size = according to the P-value of the term in its own group; interaction line thickness = according to kappa score value, represents the strength of the interactions, lighter colour corresponds to a lower strength while darker colour to a higher strength

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