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Table 2 Adipokine expression dynamics and roles in modulating adipose tissue (AT) lipolysis in transition dairy cows

From: Adipose tissue lipolysis and remodeling during the transition period of dairy cows


Encoding gene


Transition period dynamics

Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4)


- Inhibits LPL activity and adipocyte fatty acid (FA) uptake [42]

- Increases cAMP production and enhances PKA phosphorylation through the integration of catecholamine and corticoid signaling [43]

- Regulated by PPARs [127]

- Gene expression inversely associated with NEB intensity during transition period [44]

Adiponectin (Acrp30)


- Improves insulin sensitivity and promotes lipogenesis in adipocytes [9]

- Enhances FA β-oxidation in myocytes and hepatocytes [9]

- Promotes anti-inflammatory and resolving phenotypes in immune cells [54]

- Decreased gene expression immediately after calving compared to dry period

- Plasma concentration peaks between 40–70 d of lactation [53, 54]

- Decreased AT expression of its receptors (adipoR1 and adipoR2) during the first 3 wks after calving compared to dry period, increasing steadily to peak around 100 d of lactation [55, 56]



- Decreases lipogenesis and increases lipolysis and FA oxidation [59]

- Reduction in leptin transcription and secretion during the transition period may promote a rapid return to normal DMI [62]

- Leptinemia peaks during the dry period and decreases during the first week following calving [60, 61]

- Increased AT gene expression during the dry period contrasted with minimal transcription immediately following parturition [60]



- Increases lipolytic rate and the transcription of ATGL and HSL in AT explants from transition cows [66]

- Increased in plasma after calving, returning to pre-partum concentration by 6 wks into lactation [66, 67]

- AT transcription and secretion dynamics are similar to that of plasma resistin [66]

Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4)


- Serves as a carrier of retinol [68]

- Impairs glucose uptake by adipocytes and hepatocytes by suppressing insulin signaling pathways [69]

- Inhibits adipogenesis [70]

- Decreased circulating RBP4 during the first day after parturition followed by return to pre-calving levels by second week of lactation [71, 72]