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Fig. 5 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 5

From: Multi-omics integration identifies regulatory factors underlying bovine subclinical mastitis

Fig. 5

Gene sets enriched for by Factors 1 and 2. A Number of enriched gene sets, including KEGG pathways and biological process GO terms, per omics of Factors 1 and 2. “+” and “-” mean the signatures with positive (+) and negative (−) weights in corresponding factors. B, DG, I The top 10 most significant gene sets enriched for by DEGs with negative (B) and positive weights (D) in Factor 1, DELs with negative (E) and positive weights (F) in Factor 1, and dMHBs with negative (G) and positive weights (I) in Factor 2. The KEGG pathways are marked in italic with blue color, while the GO terms are in regular font and black color. C and H Details of top 5 significant gene sets enriched for by DEGs with negative weights in Factor 1 (C) and dMHBs with negative weights in Factor 2 (H) where n and P represent the number of involved signatures and P value of the corresponding gene set. GO: Gene Ontology; DEG: Differentially expressed gene; DEL: Differentially expressed lncRNA; DEM: Differentially expressed miRNA; dMHB: Differential methylation haplotype block

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