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Fig. 6 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 6

From: The early life immune dynamics and cellular drivers at single-cell resolution in lamb forestomachs and abomasum

Fig. 6

Communication between non-immune cells and immune cells. A–C MIF signaling networks in rumen (A), reticulum (B), and omasum (C), respectively. In the networks, edge width represents the communication probability. D–F The bar plot showing the relative contribution of each ligand-receptor pair to the overall communication MIF signaling networks in the rumen (D), reticulum (E), and omasum (F), respectively. G–I Violin plots showing the expression distribution of ligand and receptor genes of MIF signaling in different cell types, in the rumen (G), reticulum (H), and omasum (I), respectively

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