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Fig. 6 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Fig. 6

From: Imprinting at the KBTBD6 locus involves species-specific maternal methylation and monoallelic expression in livestock animals

Fig. 6

Non-imprinting at the CpG island promoter of the KBTBD6 gene in human and mouse oocytes. A Expressed transcripts from the locus between the MTRF1 and WBP4 genes in human oocytes. TPM values of RNA-seq read coverages are presented on the y-axis. B Annotated protein-coding and noncoding transcripts from the hg38 human genome in cyan and purple colors, respectively. Transcriptional directions are denoted with black arrows. C Histone modifications, H3K4me3, for different developmental stages of oocytes and embryos. Data were normalized to 1 × depth (RPGC). D Methylation ratios derived from WGBS. E Expressed transcripts from the locus between the Mtrf1 and Wbp4 genes in C57BL/6N mouse oocytes. TPM values of RNA-seq read coverages are presented. F Annotated protein-coding and noncoding transcripts from the mm39 mouse genome in cyan and purple colors, respectively. Transcriptional directions are denoted with black arrows. G Histone modifications, H3K4me3 and H3K36me3, normalized to 1 × depth (RPGC). For different developmental stages of oocytes, H3K4me3 modifications from C57BL/6N strain were analyzed. H3K36me3 from C57BL/6 J (top) and CAST/EiJ (bottom) strains were analyzed. H Methylation ratios from WGBS of mouse oocytes from C57BL/6 J (top) and CAST/EiJ (bottom) strains. GO, growing oocytes; FGO, fully grown oocytes; MI, MI stage oocytes; MII, MII stage oocytes; 4-cell, 4-cell stage embryos; 8-cell, 8-cell stage embryos; ICM, inner cell mass of the blastocyst; OO, oocytes; SP, sperm; Soma, somatic tissue (liver)

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