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Table 2 Comprehensive summary of the existing literature on the relationship between valine and performance in swine

From: The biological functions and metabolic pathways of valine in swine

Nutrition treatment



Experiment period/ages



70% SID valine/lysine ratio

Post-weaned piglets

Pietrain × (Large White × Landrace)

43-day-old to 64-day-old

Improving ADFI and ADG


67%–75% SID valine/lysine ratio

Post-weaning piglets

(Great Yorkshire × Pietrain) × Dalland

34-day-old to 72-day-old

Increasing body weight gain feed intake


68% SID valine/lysine ratio

Post-weaned piglets

(Duroc × Landrace) × Pietrain

31-day-old to 73-day-old

Improving the piglet weight gain and feed intake


66% SID valine/lysine ratio

Weaned piglets

Crossbred piglets

31-day-old to 65-day-old

Getting optimal ADG


65% SID valine/lysine ratio

Weaned piglets

Duroc × Landrace × Large White

14-day experimental period

Increasing ADFI, ADG and FCR; decreasing plasma urea nitrogen, CCK and POMC expression


0.31% dietary valine

Weaned piglets

Duroc sire line and Large White × Landrace dam

35-day experimental period

Restoring the reduced transcript of IGF-1; improving gut morphology


0.44% dietary valine

Weaned piglets

Duroc sire line and Large White × Landrace dam

21-day-old to 56-day-old

Improving ADFI; increasing the abundance of Mogibacterium in colon


69% SID valine/lysine ratio

Growing pigs

No data

No data

Increasing ADG by 5%


11.25 g/d valine

Finishing pigs

Approximately 75% Large White × Landrace and 25% Duroc × Hampshire

14-day experimental period

Increasing weight gain and feed efficiency


88% SID valine/lysine ratio

Lactating sows

Large White × Landrace

From d 107 of gestation to d 28 of lactation

Increasing the concentrations of all the amino acids in sow colostrum; having a tendency to increase IgM in sow colostrum; increasing ADG of piglets


Dietary valine concentration of 6.5 g/kg

Lactation sows

German Landrace

From d 84 of gestation to d 35 of lactation

Increasing feed intake and milk yield of sows and growth performance of piglets


0.68% dietary valine

Lactating sows

Landrace × Yorkshire

A 21-day lactation

Maximizing total solids production and protein production


0.85% dietary valine

Lactation sows (particularly nursing large litters)

German Landrace

Farrowing to d 35 of lactation

Increasing amino acid concentrations in milk; decreasing urea concentrations in blood plasma


Valine: lysine ratio of 100%

Sows weaned fewer than 10 pigs

Large White × Landrace × Yorkshire

No data

Increasing litter weight gain


Above 1.15% of the diet (72 g/d of valine intake)

High-producing sows (21-day litter weights > 60 kg)

Large White × Landrace or Large White × Chester White × Landrace

Approximately d 110 of gestation to d 26 of weaning

Increasing litter weaning weight and litter weight gain


Total valine:lysine = 0.93:1 (18.33 g/d from d 75 to 90 of gestation; 21.49 g/d from d 91 to farrowing)


Yorkshire × Landrace

From d 75 of gestation to d 21 of lactation

Increasing the concentration of milk fat and proportion of total saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids


  1. ADG Average daily gain, ADFI Average daily feed intake, CCK Cholecystokinin, FCR Feed conversion ratio, Ig Immunoglobulin, IGF Insulin-like growth factor, POMC Pro-opiomelanocortin